

Hong Kong ( China ) Wushu Elite Contest


更正: 1. 集體項目:按不同項目錄取金、銀、銅獎;每人可獲發獎牌及証書,最高分一隊可獲獎杯一座




Date 日期:   21/07/2013 (Sunday) 星期日

Venue 地點: Yuen Wo Road Sports Centre, Shatin, Hong Kong


Time 時間: 9am – 6pm

Enrollment Date 報名日期:8/4/2013-14/6/2013

ALL schools, martial arts associations and Kung Fu lovers are welcome


Contest time 比賽時間:

1.Traditional martial arts and weapon 40sec – 2min

傳統拳術及器械 40秒至2分鐘

2.Tai Chi 5 min, Tai Chi weapons 2min – 4min

太極 5分鐘, 太極器械 2至4分鐘

Marking Scheme 計分方法:

“Rules established in 2006 by Chinese Wushu Association” will be adopted for judgment


Time limit 套路演練時間規定:

  1. a) For individual:(Taichi excluded) not more than 2 min, penalty of 0.1 point after extension of time of 2 second.
  2. b) For two persons:not more than 1 min (for all gender), can be mixed gender.
  3. c) For all Taichi including using weapons:not more than 5 min, penalty of 0.1 point after extension of time of 5 second.
  4. d) For Group:not more than 5 min, penalty of 0.1 point after extension of time of 5 second.
  1. a) 單練項目:長拳類,傳統拳類 (拳及器械) 一 不超過2分鐘,超時達2秒,扣1分
  2. b) 對練項目:不超過1分鐘,不分男女組別,可混編
  3. c) 太極項目:不超過5分鐘 (包括拳及器械,超時達5秒者,扣1分)
  4. d) 集體項目:所有集體拳術不超過5分鐘,所有集體器械不超過4分鐘。超時達5秒者,扣1分

Prizes award 錄取名次:

a) For individual:According to participant’s age, type of show and different gender to award Champion, First runner-up and Second runner-up (souvenir medal and certificate will be awarded to all other individual participant

b) Élite Cup:Participant obtained best score of each group (start from group B and above

c) For group:According to type of show to award Champion, First runner-up and Second runner-up (souvenir medal and certificate will be awarded to all participants and all groups)

a) 單練項目:按不同年齡,項目,男女組別分別錄取金、銀、銅獎,(每人均獲發獎牌及個人單項証書)

b) 精英杯 :由B組開始,每組最高分者可得金杯獎一座

c) 集體項目:按不同項目錄取金、銀、銅獎;每人可獲發獎牌及証書,最高分一隊可獲獎杯一座

Registration fee 報名費:

 Individual contestHK$150 for each contest (medal & certificate will be awarded to the winners)

個 人 比  賽   每位選手HK$150 (費用已包每位得奬者之奬牌及證書)

Group contestHK$85 for each participant (medal & certificate will be awarded to the winners)

集 體 比 賽 每位選手HK$85 (費用已包每位得奬者之奬牌及證書)

Registration method 報名方法:

Download the registration form from below website and return the completed registration form, by post to:

“Flat F, 20/F, Avon Garden, Shatin Park Stage 1, Shatin, New Territories, Hong Kong”

於下列網址下載報名表, 填妥後請寄回香港沙田花園城第一期雅芳苑20樓F室

  1. 集體比賽報名表 Group contest registration form

  1. 個人太極比賽報名表 Individual contest (Taichi) registration form

  1. 個人傳統外家比賽報名表 Individual contest (Traditional) registration form

Enquiry 查詢:

 Miss Yeung Yuk Ching  楊玉貞小姐       聯絡號碼:(852) 9167 4382

傳真號碼:(852) 2646 2198

Miss Lam Siu Mui      林小梅小姐      聯絡號碼:(852) 9257 2151


Hong Ngai Gymnastic Association   康藝體育會網址:


Special Remarks  參加者需知:

  1.  All participants should have their own insurance to cover any accident or death.


  1. All participants should report to report-counter 30 min before the start of contest, names of participants will be announced three times. If the athletes do not report to the counter after the third announcement, the athletes will be regarded as withdrawal.


  1. Change of contest event will not be accepted after registration.

報名後 ,比賽項目不能臨時更改。

  1. The Organizer reserves the right to postpone any match or make any alternative arrangements under special circumstances. Should anything unforeseeable happen during a match, the referee on the spot or the Organizer will decide whether the match should continue or not and the participants shall not raise objection.


  1. No appeal will be accepted, the decisions of the referee on the spot will be final.


  1. Organizer hold all final decisions of any change and other unlisted issues.

未盡事宜 ,另行通知 , 如有改動 , 將由大會作出最後決定為準。